
One Piece Chapter 1141 Reveals Elbaf’s Biggest Weakness

The Straw Hat Pirates are exploring the Elbaf Island, and we are loving every minute of the newest adventure with the giants. However, ever since we set foot on the homeland of giants, an impending threat has been hung over them, potentially bringing about the island’s end. Oda has set up multiple forms of destruction, such as Loki being the accursed prince and the arrival of the God’s Knight. So, the author has explicitly revealed the vulnerabilities that could lead to the downfall of Elbaf in One Piece Chapter 1141.

The conversation between Franky and Ripley continues after they encounter the mural on Adam Tree. Similar to how the Na’vi people lived on top of the trees, Ripley explains that the giants of Elbaf also live on the extended branches of the Adam tree. As we picture outside Elbaf, the entire nation of giants is built around the tree.

When Franky notices a missing branch, Ripley comments that it is the place where Haugen Village existed before it caught on fire when a bolt of lightning struck one day. The giants had to cut off the entire branch before the fire spread across the whole nation.

So, as you can see, as Ripley states, Elbaf’s biggest weaknesses are fire and lightning. If you wonder why Oda specifically mentioned the weakness here, it must have been done to hint at the upcoming destruction now that Loki is freed.

Loki’s ‘Ragnir’ hammer equates to the lightning part as it is a replica of Mjolnir from Norse mythology. The second weakness, fire, also hints that Loki’s devil fruit powers could be related to the flames that set the nation on fire. As Loki proclaims himself as the sun god, this might be a scarier devil power than Sabo’s Mera Mera no Mi.

As Ragnarok is expected to be happening in the One Piece world, the true villains of Elbaf could exploit these two weaknesses and cause ultimate destruction. What’s your interpretation of the direct confirmation from Oda? Let us know in the comments below.

Ajith Kumar

An entertainment writer with a passion for analyzing and sharing insights on movies, shows, and anime.

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